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“I want to teach you to sit at my feet.” 

Those are the words I heard from God one of my first days here at CGA. 

Prior to this, I had been trekking through the woods in silence for four days and even spent an entire day alone with just God and I….but I hadn’t heard anything distinct from Him. 

Then, standing in the midst of a group of 30 or so people while singing worship, those words resounded so clearly in my head. 

Being honest, I came into CGA with my heart a little off-course. I had been home from the Race for about nine months, and as much as I loved my time at home, I was ready to go “follow my calling” again. I had once again grown anxious in the rest.

With good intentions, I walked into CGA ready to dive in to Missions track and learn all about being a long-term missionary. My whole self was so focused on how I was going to serve God next, on wanting to gain clarity on where I’m “supposed” to serve Him, and how I could please God with my actions. 

Whenever I start to go astray, God is always faithful to call me back to the truth of Him and our relationship. 

And the truth is, while I’m going to do great things for God with my life; first and foremost, I was made to be in relationship with Him. No matter what I do in life, that’s the most important thing. I don’t have to earn God’s love, but I am meant to live in intimacy with Him. 

So I heard His voice and my heart responded. During that very worship session, I found one of my leaders in CGA and I switched into Worship track. No looking back, no questioning of the future.

For these next few months, I’m learning about cultivating intimacy with God and the freedom and healing it brings to myself and others when we can just sit at His feet and be. The learning won’t stop after Worship track is over, but it’s been a beautiful start to a lifelong lesson.