I lose myself sometimes. I’ve done it for years. I get so focused on trying to fit into a group of people, or I compare and try to be like others around me; I end up forgetting who I am and who I was made to be.
Here at CGA, I’m re-learning who I am all over again. What I like, what I don’t like, situations where I thrive, and other ones where I struggle a bit. So in light of all that, here’s a fun, (not-so) little blog about some of the things that make me come alive…and a few things that are just not me.
Some things that I really love (and fun pictures just for you):
Vanilla chai lattes. It’s like Christmas in a cup AND they’re perfect year-round. Just get them iced when it’s hot and get it warm when it’s cold out. Also, it’s almost Starbucks holiday cup time; I’m excited.
I love missions and ministry in general, but my heart lies with the 10-40 window. Most especially the Middle East/Muslim cultures. I went to the Middle East on a short-term trip four years ago and I loved it.
Fall, it’s my favorite season. But for me, it’s all about the colors changing. Forget Halloween and Thanksgiving, they’re just the holidays that get in the way of Christmas.
Christmas is where it’s at. My heart comes alive with the holiday and joy overflows. I love gift-giving; it’s cold, possibly snowy; and Christmas lights are everywhere.
Family is huge for me. I haven’t always been great at being part of the family, but going on the World Race changed all of that for me. I’m learning to be a better daughter, sister, and auntie. I love them so much.
Boba and Asian ethnic suburbs. So many memories from my college years involve both these things. So, naturally, I found some boba in Georgia and dragged my housemates to it.
Chips and salsa. Another staple in my life. And I do judge Mexican restaurants by the quality of the salsa they serve. This place has some of the best salsa ever…you just have to go to Northern California for it.
Lakes. Other bodies of water are good, too, but I really love lakes. It’s where I connect with God the most and I conveniently live near a lake both in Georgia and back home in California.
- Panera Bread. It’s my go-to, indoor spot where I spend time with Jesus. Or where I go if I just need to focus and be productive. I’m literally sitting in one right now as I finish writing this blog. Bonus: you never come out smelling like old coffee.
Stories. My love for stories propels me in many different directions. I crave friendships and knowing others deeply; I want to know their life story and what makes them tick. When my sociability is taxed, I dive into books, movies, and TV for an escape.
Netflix and Panda Express. If I’m having a rough day, these are the only two things I want. And maybe a close friend to sit next to me and partake in the activities. No need to talk.
Redwoods…and trees in general. I’m a nature kid. I grew up with redwoods all around me and running barefoot through the woods. They just make me happy.
Harley-Davidsons. I grew up riding on the back of my bio dad’s Harley. Some of my only good memories with him…but that’s another story. I may also have been brain-washed to believe that the only true motorcycle is a Harley; everything else is…well, not. But I’ll compromise on that if it means I get to ride on whatever “motorcycle” someone may have. There’s a freedom to it that you don’t get with riding in a car.
- Building forts in my living room. ‘Nough said.
Music. I almost always have music playing. It speaks to my soul and courses through my veins. I played piano for 8 years, haven’t played for 8 years, and desperately want to relearn how to play again.
Friendships where you can pick up right where you left off the last time you were together because you just know each other that well.
Cooking/baking for others. And hospitality in general. I would call it one of my love languages. It’s also ridiculously relaxing for me.
Engineers (or boys that are kind of awkward). Those things aren’t necessarily always corresponding, but they frequently are. I grew up with an engineer for a father and went to an engineering college. They just tend to make some of the best friends and I find the awkwardness endearing. I can’t explain it.
Driving with the windows down and the music blasting. Especially when I need to process…so that’s been happening a lot lately.
Eyes. They really are the window to someone’s soul. At least for me they are.
Elephants. They have been my favorite animal for a really, really long time. And God granted me some awesome experiences with them while I was on the Race; so now, when I think of them, I think of all the blessings God gives me.
Animal butts. They just make me laugh. [Confession: sometimes, well, a lot of times I’m not very mature. But that’s okay!]
Trying new foods. Cause, why not have a little adventure?
Tattoos (and piercings). Tattoos tell a story and they can be beautiful works of art. Piercings, well, I just like those.
Travel and learning about other cultures. A selfish desire of mine is to have my passport be filled before it expires. But I’ll follow God wherever He takes me, even if there’s no passport stamp involved.
Pouring into those who come after me…so, discipleship. I had the blessing of discipling these three girls in college and I loved it. It’s a huge piece of my heart to walk alongside others through their spiritual journeys. It’s so good. [I also may have gotten into a paint fight right before this picture was taken.]
Running around barefoot. Again, super freeing. Shoes: they trap my feet and I hate them. My mom always had to yell at me to put shoes on when I was a child…and most of the time, I just ran away outside before she could make me put them on.
Swings. They were (are) my favorite part of any playground. The motion is soothing for me. If I need to process and I don’t want to go for a drive, I go find a swing.
Riding in the bed of trucks. So much more freeing than riding in the actual car!
Manual labor. There’s just something about having a project outside to work on that requires breaking a sweat and working your muscles past the point you think they’ll go. It’s one of the greatest feelings of accomplishment for me.
Making weird faces in pictures. Because, sometimes, smiling is overrated. I believe that everyone needs to let their weird out now and then.
Fields of flowers. Especially sunflowers. Want to know why? Click here.
Sunsets. And sunrises if I ever happen to wake up early enough for one. Each one is a sweet blessing from God for me. This was in Iowa on my birthday this year.
Dogs. They just love so well and I love mine so much! I’m so excited to go pet them and hug them when I come home for Christmas!
Babies. Especially little African (or Asian) ones. My squad on the World Race voted me most likely to smuggle an African child home in my backpack. I definitely contemplated that with this sweet girl.
Exploring with Jesus. I road-tripped across America from California to Georgia all on my own to come to CGA. By far the best decision I could have made! I miss long days on the road with just Jesus and I. I want to do this again sometime.
Skinny dipping. You definitely don’t need a picture of that. But I also like swimming with my clothes on, so here’s me in Thailand at Phi Phi Island…
Clouds. I’m obsessed with them. They’re beautiful. It makes driving interesting sometimes cause I’m too busy staring at the clouds and not the road. Whoops.
Pranks. When I have too much time on my hands and I’m feeling a little mischievous, things can get a little crazy.
Disneyland, especially at Christmastime. Disneyland = awesome. Christmas = my favorite holiday. Disneyland + Christmas = MAGIC.
Some things that are just not me:
Loyalty to a sport’s team. I’ll watch sports, but don’t make me pick a side to cheer for. I’m extremely non-confrontational to the point that listening to other people bicker about sports gives me a bit of anxiety.
Large parties with lots of noise and standing around making “small talk”. I just end up over-stimulated and hiding in a corner.
Halloween costumes. They require so much time, energy, and money I do not have. But I’ll gladly show up as myself and watch Hocus Pocus with you.
Standing in front of crowds and talking. Don’t get me wrong, I can talk in front of large crowds, but I won’t like it while I do it.
Hats. They just don’t work when your hair is curly and voluminous.
- People who think being introverted means I’m anti-social. I love people; people are great! I really love having friends and community around me. But people also drain ALL of the energy out of me, so I’m careful and cautious about where I spend that energy. [Let me step down from my soapbox now…]
- Asking for help/letting people into the middle of my mess. Vulnerability is hard. I’m working on that one.